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5 reasons why you should become a LinkedIn influencer

In a world where social media presence is often the first door opener to personal and professional growth, becoming a LinkedIn influencer is super valuable.

LinkedIn is your go-to place not only to create an online resume but build your network, showcase your expertise and most importantly add credibility to what you do and say. Having a profile account on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter is great, but being an influencer takes you to the next level.

If you’re considering to become an influencer on LinkedIn these 5 benefits might make your decision even easier:

1. Have fun with your community

Your direct network is one of the most valuable assets you can acquire in your lifetime. A group of people who know you, recognize your input and listen to your opinion is priceless to you. Most importantly because your communication goes both ways – you can learn tremendous knowledge from them and they from you. There is a certain power, trust and solidarity in the community you create around you.

2. Enjoy new opportunities

Stand out from the crowd and break through the boredom with your voice and opinion. Engage, follow interesting people and companies, join groups and take part in open discussions. Be among the vibrant things that you find interesting, respond to them by sharing your opinion and thoughts. Sooner or later you will find yourself among new people, new ideas and new opportunities.

3. Support what you feel passionate about

When you have an engaged audience, you can quite literally support great causes, projects and companies you feel passionate about and raise awareness of them across your follower community. You can have a real impact, spread the message and promote things you stand by. Drive attention to fundraisers, exciting startups, new innovations, events etc.

4. Become a thought leader and inspire others

It’s not only about observing and responding to information but also about giving back. LinkedIn is the perfect platform to share your views, present your ideas and run debates. Whether it’s career focused, personal development driven or innovation focused you can create your own groups, post your own articles, share your experiences, lifehacks, advices and motivate others to reach their potential. You can be someone’s source of motivation.

5. Expand your own potential

When you think you will motivate others what you actually do is motivate yourself in the first place. When you support a good cause it also fulfills you with positive feelings. When you share advice you feel valued. When you start a conversation it makes you more curious about other people thoughts. When you share your personal experience it makes you feel more empathy towards others.

There’s no better time to explore full potential of the LinkedIn social media platform by becoming an influencer.

There are so many more reasons to simply be more active and open-minded on LinkedIn and see what new opportunities come your way.

If you liked this article you might find interesting to look closer at our fast growing BrandRefer influencer network specifically focused on LinkedIn. Come and join us!

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This article was prepared by BrandRefer, your trusted full service influencer marketing agency for LinkedIn.


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